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Discovering Christian Family in Hungary

Discovering Christian Family in Hungary

From a young age I loved hearing mission reports. I celebrated every time a missionary visited and presented on their work. When I heard the OPC was sending a group of missionaries to Miskolc, Hungary, I was excited to apply.

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Team Hungary Departs!

Team Hungary Departs!

On Tuesday, July 16, the nine-members of Team Hungary began their long journey to Amsterdam on their way to serve in Miskolc, Hungary assisting the The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe (RPCCEE) in their annual English Camp. Please pray for traveling mercies and a productive time there.

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STM Spotlight: English Camp in Hungary 2024
Hungary, Opportunities 2024 Trish Duggan Hungary, Opportunities 2024 Trish Duggan

STM Spotlight: English Camp in Hungary 2024

“The past 10 years have been a labor of sowing and watering seed. Shoots have sprouted up here and there. God in His grace has been pleased to give an increase. It is now time for nurturing the tender shoots through teaching, preaching, and encouraging the congregations and fellowships,” according to the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe’s (RPCEE) website. The church in Hungary is located in Miskolc, a town that sits at the base of the beautiful Bükk Mountains. The fourth-largest city in Hungary, its historic beauty can be found in its ancient castles, churches and cathedrals, cave baths, and museums. If you are looking for an opportunity to serve and see some extraordinary sights, this may just be the trip for you!

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