English for Kids, Quebec 2024

The first day of English for Kids camp in partnership with The Reformed Christian Church of Beauce went very well under sunny skies. Praise the Lord! We welcomed 53 children aged 5 to 14. The 22 American missionaries came from Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. We pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the children who hear the Good News.

Day two also brought a splendid summer day! This is the 14th year and God has blessed English for Kids (E4K) with good weather for camp week! Most of the children are happy and participating well. The story of David and Goliath is being taught. The children made edible bears with rice cakes and "Nutella" at snack time to illustrate that David protected his sheep from the bears. The staff is learning a song in French using Philippians 4:6, " Ne vous inquiétez de rien ; mais, en toutes choses, par la prière et la supplication, avec des actions de grâces, faites connaître à Dieu vos demandes. Et la paix de Dieu, qui surpasse toute intelligence, gardera vos cœurs et vos pensées en Christ-Jésus.” 

Many counselors and kids are tired, but we praise God for giving us everything we need to make this week a success, as a wonderful day three came to a close. The group praises God for:

·       all the songs that echo through the church.

·       the children He entrusts to us during this week.

·       the games the children can play in the park.

·       the earthly and spiritual food that gives us new strength.

·       answering our prayers.

Day four brought a splendid day, and although the staff and children are tired the group worked on Friday night’s show, where Pastor Christian will be speaking to parents and visitors.

The morning sketch portrayed David meeting Goliath. Every day, the children go to the "bank" to deposit the "money" given to them by their instructor. The older children run the bank. They promise to speak only in English throughout the week of camp.

The children then move on to the "store", still run by the older children, under the supervision of their counselors. Here they can buy sweets and other small items. There's a "store" for the little ones and another store for the older kids.

Yesterday was a particularly tiring day for the instructors, but they got through it by the grace of God. Some cried heartily as they saw the children in their care throughout the week leave.

The children's show went well, under the firm direction of Miss Marilou. There were several parents in the room as the children sang vigorously. It's always touching to hear a group of children singing God's praises. Before the show, Pastor Christian delivered a brief evangelistic message linking David and Jesus. Mario also distributed to all parents a letter of invitation to come and praise God with us at church. Let us pray that God will grant his Holy Spirit and save these children and their families.

Like every year, parents are very impressed and give us several compliments. Among other things, they appreciate the fraternal atmosphere that reigns at the camp. But is it surprising:

“Behold, it is good, how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell united together!” (Psalm 133:1)


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