Daniel Nannini, member of Faith OPC in Long Beach, CA, served the Boardwalk Chapel this summer as the drama coordinator. In this role, Daniel organizes other staff and volunteer groups to put on gospel-themed skits in the nightly programs. David’s love for others shows when he tells us, “My favorite part about being drama coordinator is that I get to reach out to the youth groups that serve at the chapel and bond with them. I hope that in some way I help them grow in their faith and as a person. I think a lot of people would just look at the drama coordinator position and go ‘that's just the easiest job in the world! You just teach people how to do skits!’ But, in reality, I’m really trying to make sure the skits are gospel-focused and gospel-centered, and that the message isn’t lost throughout the entire thing. Then, once I have a skit, I try to encourage the youth group and get them excited to participate. Some young people are confident in their abilities to perform on stage, but some aren’t as excited to be up in front of a group of people like that. I want to be their cheerleader so that when they're getting ready to step onstage and step out of their comfort zone, they know that they have support and that what they are doing is actually very important. I think that helps enhance their visit to the Chapel.

If you’re looking to serve at the Chapel, come join the drama team! You’ll have fun, you’ll be pushed outside of your comfort zone (which is a good thing!), and you’ll learn to evangelize! By acting onstage and by being a little bit crazier than you normally would be, you’re representing the Gospel to onlookers in a fun and exciting way, while at the same time keeping the focus on Christ, whether that’s on stage or on the boardwalk when you go out evangelizing.

But sometimes just being present on the Boardwalk brings the most fruitful opportunities. Last week, I was sitting in the Chapel and a young man, an international student from South India, came in. He said he wanted a place to sit down and rest for a little bit, and I was more than happy to have him sit in the chapel. As I was watching him, he seemed very restless. I decided talk with him for a little bit. Turns out, he was having a little bit of a crisis of faith, wondering if there were such things as right and wrong, or if there even is a God. He said he believed in a Creator, but he didn't know if he believed in the Christian God, the Hindu god, or any different god. We just talked about the Gospel, about the story of the Bible, starting with Adam and Eve and the fall of man all the way to Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross for our sins. We discussed the law of Moses and other questions he had. It was amazing to see that by the end of our conversation, he said, ‘I really did enjoy this, and I would love to come back and talk with you guys again.’ Later I found out that he ended up coming back to the Chapel the next day when I wasn't there. I'm praying for him and I’m praying for his salvation, that he will read a Bible and be able to understand what I was talking about.

My time at the Boardwalk Chapel has prepared me for conversations just like that one. Learning to have a gospel-centered defense of my faith is something I've always had a hard time with. I’ve learned that anyone can state facts at a person, but because people and their views are not neutral, you have to start with Scripture as your primary standard. Otherwise, you'll never get to the gospel in your conversation. You’ll be stuck trying to prove God exists before you can tell the person what he has done. That relationship between apologetics and evangelism is so important. If you lose the Bible as your focal point for apologetics and evangelism, you are going to lose the ability to really focus in on the Gospel when you're sharing the good news with people.”

You can learn more about the Boardwalk Chapel, serving on the drama team, and other opportunities to serve at boardwalkchapel.org/serve/staff/


Good Fellowship, Good Discipleship, Great Evangelism


More Confident in the Gospel