Emily Batten is a member of Living Hope OPC in Allentown, PA, and spent a month of her summer serving at the Boardwalk Chapel as a junior staffer. She shares, “My favorite part of being on junior staff is getting to know the other girls really well and bond with them. It’s also been a joy to have group discipleship with them every day. I’ve learned a lot more about evangelism and scripture through it all.

Because I’m junior staff, we have an older staff leader and counselor, which has added so much to the entire experience. We go to her for everything. If we have questions, she's always there to talk and she's always ready to pray for us. It’s been especially helpful for her to be there for us when we are out evangelizing; I’ve learned so much from how she presents things, how confident she is in scripture, and how she is comfortable talking to people even when they respond in unexpected ways.

If someone was interested in coming to the Boardwalk Chapel, I would tell them to definitely come! You're going to grow a lot in your relationship with Jesus, and you’ll have really good fellowship with the other Christians there. There's a lot of structured time of discipleship which is great because too often when you’re with friends you don’t necessarily talk about the deeper things of the faith naturally. But when you have specific times of Bible study together, we find ourselves talking about it through the day and after a few weeks you can notice your own growth in the Lord.”


To Share Our Hope


Connecting Apologetics and Evangelism