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News, Reports, & Testimonials

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

It was in 2011 that the Great Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami struck off the coast of Miyagi prefecture, devastating and destroying towns and people’s lives. Edie Cummings, the wife of former OPC Missionary Cal Cummings, came to speak at my church.  It was then that I knew that I had to go. 

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Taking Time to be Present

Taking Time to be Present

For a week this past summer, I, along with Sawyer Wiersma, his sister, Campbell, Leanne Doezema, and our fearless leader, William Devenney, traveled from our scattered locations in the States to Puerto Rico for my first short term mission trip (apart from my time at Boardwalk Chapel). We all went into the week unsure of what plans or what objectives we had.

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2023 Short-Term Missions Mid-Summer Update

2023 Short-Term Missions Mid-Summer Update

So far this summer, one Short-Term Missions team has traveled to St. Georges, Quebec to serve the local children at the St. Georges English for Kids Camp and six teams have served at the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ. Here's what they have to say about serving the Lord, reaching out to the lost, and spending a part of their summer on mission!

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Update on Missionary Associate Jed Homan

Update on Missionary Associate Jed Homan

“There is no way to even start to understand life here without being here. Living here, seeing how the mission operates—it’s been enjoyable and eye-opening,” says Jed Homan, Missionary Associate at the OP Uganda Mission. Jed is beginning his third month of work in Nakaale, Karamoja, Uganda and reports that it has been satisfying to be able to make progress on the various maintenance projects he’s been working on and knowing that what he’s doing is serving the mission.

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