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Ministry Team 2019: Walk-Up Evangelism

Ministry Team 2019: Walk-Up Evangelism

We must remember, whenever we are doing outreach, of any sort, that these works are not our own. And, even more, that God is sovereign. He will guide us to the right conversations, he will make sure and certain that we say the right things and the right times. It’s not our own works that bring men to Christ...

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Ministry Team 2019: A Place You Can Call Home

Ministry Team 2019: A Place You Can Call Home

Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ: We had about three hours of training every day, and the staff really pushed us out of our comfort zones. We learned about different kinds of questions to ask while evangelizing, and we also practiced giving a gospel presentation in under three minutes...

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Ministry Team 2019: No Shortage of Things to Praise Him For

Ministry Team 2019: No Shortage of Things to Praise Him For

Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ: I was nervous at first when going out onto the Boardwalk to evangelize, but when we actually got out there and started talking with people, I felt energized. I was inspired, and felt as though I could walk up to anyone and present them with the good news of Jesus Christ...

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